Linggo, Oktubre 6, 2013


      My Own Reflection


       In the field of education, technology is important. Technology helps teacher to develop computer skills and make work easier than the traditional way. Nowadays, with the use of technology, learning process is more convenient and effective. It will also make learning be meaningful to the students and the teachers. That’s why, Educational Technology exist in the field of education and give foundation to the students so that in the future, they will not finding difficulties in using especially computers. In this subject, it gives me a good foundation in using those applications in the computers. It gives me additional knowledge in using technology and good foundation about the important rule of technology (computers) in the field of education. Its helps me to develop my computer skills and introducing the deference between the uses of technologies nowadays and the traditional ways of where of those two are more convenient and effective way of teaching.     

       Using technology, sometimes there are strength and weaknesses that we encountered. My strength in using computers especially in our subject applying technology in our field, I have a willingness to explore and learn the different uses of different application. I’m willing also to use different type of technologies to have a good foundation. Technology makes your work presentable and be confident enough in presenting to your students especially in the field of education. It makes your work be easier enough in using traditional way in teaching method. I’m willing also to teach my knowledge in operating computers to my future students to have a good foundation in using technologies. My weaknesses in using technology that I am not experienced with many new technologies available due the lack of availability at school or training that is provided. And also to operate those different types of technology that makes me confused because sometimes their applications are mostly the same. Nowadays, there are software already upgraded, although they are the same application but they have different way to operate.

         I suggest that when it comes in technologies, schools must be provided a good enough number of computers to the population of the students. Sometimes, mostly of the problem facing from the school are adequate in facilities and even classrooms. In order to have a meaningful learning process to your students, schools must be provided a materials that will makes them experience and learn more in using technology especially in computers. If the schools can’t afford to supplement the needs of the students, find another way that will make them to learn especially those basic without experiencing the actual computers. in high schools, teacher let them make a model of a keyboard to have hands own experience and practice the proper execution in using the keyboard.

Exercise 11: Movie Maker

Exercise No. 11
         Word Problem Application
  (Movie Maker)

                In this last exercise, we are making our educational movie with specific topic. We use net book, camera and cellphone to set up our shooting. We are recording our action according to the script. We come up with many trials to have a perfect video. After shooting, we use this type of software to make the final product which is the educational movie with the help of mulberrian.

                In this exercise, I learned that making educational movie is not easy. We find difficulty in recording, choosing the setting, making the script and memorizing the script. In the field of education, educational technology helps the student to develop their learning through watching educational show. Children also learned and develop their learning by observing and imitating those action that good for them. There are some educational video teaches values. Educational movie helps the student to learn beyond classroom and at the same time, they learn moral values.

Exercise 10: Power Point Presentation

Exercise No. 10    
                                                        IM's Presentation
               (Power Point Presentation)

            With the use of computer and detailed lesson plan, we make a presentation using this type if software. We’re applying those transition every slides and effect in every sentence. I’m finding difficulties in making a diagram showing triangle and applying animation in each slide. After that, we sent it through email with the use of internet.



        Good, Mr. Cagasan. For this, you got a score of 18 out of 20 points. Rubric: Storyboard - 4, content - 6, Format - 3, relevance to major field of specialization - 2 and submission - 5. Your score: Storyboard - 4, content - 6, Format - 1 (since the texts are too small), relevance to major field of specialization - 2 and submission - 5

                In this exercise, I learned that power point presentation is useful in teaching process. It makes the teacher be confident and always ready to teach and the students also will be motivated by those animations that will catch their attention and they give an interest to listen the discussion.

Exercise 9: MS Excel

Exercise No. 9
                 Grading System
              (MS Excel)

                In this exercise, we use only computer and email address to submit it through internet. We make only our own grading system and the list of the name. We just assuming their grades and put it in each excel. After that, we used some formula in making transmutation so that in computing grades will be easier than using calculator. We just highlight those master list and drag to have final grades in each name.



   Good, Mr. Cagasan. For this, you got a score of 18 out of 20 points. Rubric: Content - 4, Format - 10 and submission - 6. Your score: Content - 4, Format - 8 (since you were not able to follow the formula in getting the total percentages of the students, did not highlight the failing grades with red font color) a submission - 6.


           In this exercise, I’ve learned that excel is very useful in making grades or even related in computing. It will make the work be easy and having accurate result in computing because of those formula. In the field of education, excel is important because teacher will not be finding difficulties in computing grades especially for a huge number of students. It will make the teachers work is easy than computing grades using traditional way.